Source code for fpf

"""Extensible File Path Filtering.

Simple FPF implementations

Example usage with a simple function filter:

.. code-block:: python

    from fpf import filter_file_paths

    def filter1(file_path):
    '''Filter out all files not ending with `.yml`'''
        return file_path.endswith('.yml')

    list(filter_file_paths(root_dir='.', path_filter=filter1))

Example usage with an `fpf` filter:

.. code-block:: python

    from fpf import filter_file_paths, YamlIgnoreFilter

    # Read pathspec from `.myproject-yaml-ignore-file` and only include yml files.
    filter2 = YamlIgnoreFilter('.myproject-yaml-ignore-file')
    list(filter_file_paths(root_dir='.', path_filter=filter2))


import os
from typing import Callable, Generator

from .filters import (  # noqa: F401

__VERSION__ = '0.1.3'
__all__ = [

[docs]def file_path_filter( root_dir: str, path_filter: Callable[[str], bool] = DummyFilter(), relative_paths=True) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Filter file paths/names relative to the root based on a filter. :param root_dir: root directory to filter through. :type root_dir: str :param path_filter: A filter function. Returns false for files/paths that should be excluded. :type path_filter: Callable[[str], bool] :param relative_paths: return relative paths to the root dir, alternative is full absolute paths on the file system, defaults to True. :type relative_paths: bool, optional :yield: file path/name that passes the filter. :rtype: Generator[str, None, None] """ for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): for file in files: abs_path = os.path.join(root, file) rel_path = os.path.relpath(abs_path, start=root_dir) if path_filter(rel_path): if relative_paths: yield rel_path else: yield abs_path
# Add some aliases for the function filter_file_paths = file_path_filter fpf = file_path_filter # shortcut for the function __all__ = ['file_path_filter', 'filter_file_paths', 'fpf']